Summer Miller is an award-winning writer, recipe developer, editor, public speaker, and cookbook author based in Omaha, Nebraska.
Her writing has appeared in The Mediterranean Dish, The Kitchn, Simply Recipes, Eating Well, SAVEUR, Every Day with Rachael Ray, Edible Omaha, Edible Feast and Grit, among others. She is currently the senior executive editor of The Mediterranean Dish. In a past life, she worked as a humanitarian aid worker in South Africa, served as the editor-in-chief of a couple of publications and served as the public relations manager for Cox Communications, a major telecom company. Her first book, New Prairie Kitchen: Stories and Seasonal Recipes from Chefs, Farmers and Artisans of the Great Plains, was noted as a “need to read” cookbook by Epicurious, featured on NPR’s The Salt, and won The Nebraska Book Award for non-fiction.
My approach to recipe development is simple. Recipes need to work. They need to be clear and the end result needs to be worth the time and money the home cook invested. When combined with a friendly voice to put the reader at ease then I have done my job well. This remains true regardless of the format: magazine, digital or book.
Recipes ⟶
I started out as a reporter. My foundational skills are in interviewing, research, and crafting a compelling narrative that balances anecdotal information with facts to guide the reader through a piece from start to finish. This is true of personal essays, feature writing and Q&As. I’ve always considered it a great honor for someone to trust me with their story.
Writing ⟶
Working in public relations anchored my skills as a public speaker. I have been a keynote, guest speaker, and panelist at food conferences, literary conferences and corporate events. I even do cooking demos from time to time.
Speaking ⟶
New Prairie Kitchen profiles 25 of the most exciting and groundbreaking chefs, farmers, and producers of artisanal goods from Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. Their personal stories are interspersed with more than 50 chef-contributed recipes that range from refreshingly simple to exquisitely gourmet. Organized by season, New Prairie Kitchen will transport readers to a revitalized Midwestern heartland where traditional favorites interweave with inspiring new flavors and techniques.